Why Is an Ergonomic Chair Best for Kids’ Homeschooling?

10 min readOct 21, 2020


When it comes to homeschooling, and many parents are doing this right now, you’re more focused on your child’s schedule. You want them to fit in all that they want to do (as well as schoolwork), but you can’t neglect how they sit and where. Buying an ergonomic chair for kids is the first step toward ensuring that they are comfortable and have good posture.

Of course, adults are always focused on sitting correctly and often have ergonomic office chairs at work or at home. However, you shouldn’t forget about your children. In fact, positional habits are usually started as kids. If you slouch now, you probably did so as a child, and no one ever told you not to.

1. How should my child sit?

No child should actively slouch. Otherwise, there isn’t a wrong and right way to sit, though movement has to be considered.

Kids are built to move a lot, so you can’t expect them to sit still, even while homeschooling. As long as these movements aren’t disrupting the learning process, you can feel confident that they are sitting properly.

Photo of how the child sit

2. What is the best kids desk chair to buy?

You want the best kid’s desk chair because the wrong one can impact your child’s sitting pattern in a bad way. Many times, kid office chairs are designed to restrict movement, so the child has to stay still for longer periods. This can actually be harmful to them.

You need a desk and chair setup that encourages enough movement without it being too extreme. They could get too distracted from the chair and could disrupt lessons.

If you have multiple children in the household, you want a separate chair for each child. In fact, it’s a great idea to label each ergonomic chair for kids with their names. That way, you don’t have to constantly adjust the chair.

Remember, some children are small, while others are tall or large. They need to sit at the desk correctly. If each child is doing schoolwork at the same time, you may want a large desk or separate ones for each kid. Standing desks work well here. As movement becomes necessary, they can choose to stand up while learning. This helps them stay active and might even help them stay productive.

Though there are countless chair options on the market, the ErgoChair 2 is a customizable chair designed to offer more back support, improve your child’s sitting posture, and prevent back pain.

Photo of the best kids desk chair to buy

3. What to look for in kid computer chairs: 7 criterias

3.1. Headrest

Most parents don’t think about a headrest, but you want something that allows your child to rest their neck periodically. If they’re constantly sitting in front of the computer for e-learning, the headrest should rise up and down and back and forth.

3.2. Lumbar support

Lumbar support is also important. Though your kids may not need it, they could have postural issues that make it uncomfortable to sit. The best kid’s desk chair is going to provide a little extra support in the lumbar region. Slide it up and down to get the right tension.

Photo of headrest and lumbar support of the kids desk chair

3.3. Armrests

You need fully adjustable armrests with your ergonomic chair for kids. Their arms may be shorter or longer than another child or yourself. Therefore, it’s important to be able to adjust the height. Of course, you can also change the ErgoChair 2 armrests sideways and forward/backward.

3.4. Seat tilt

The seat itself should be adjustable. One child may like to sit more forward while another needs to sit backward. As long as their knees are at 90-degrees and in line with the hips, they can adjust it to meet their needs.

Photo of the Armrests and seat tilt of kids desk chair

3.5. Seat back

An ergonomic chair for kids should allow them to adjust the seat itself to go back and forth. This can be used for many purposes. For example, those with larger buttocks may find that it’s best to push the seat forward to give a little more room.

Photo of Seat back of Kids desk chair

3.6. Seat height

The best kid office chairs allow for an adjustable seat height. The issue is finding the right level so that your child sits correctly. Then, you’ve got to bring the desk to their height, as well. This is achieved best through a standing desk.

3.7. Back tilt tension

If your child doesn’t like leaning back in the chair, you can adjust the tension, so that isn’t possible. Those who do prefer to lean a little can adapt it to meet their needs, too.

Along with that, kid office chairs should allow for back tilt adjustments. The tension enables you to push the back a little more. The tilt itself ensures that you can sit backward farther. Both are important in an ergonomic chair for kids.

4. How to balance working & parenting

Most parents find it challenging to be home with the kids all day. You’ve gotten used to working all day while the kids are at school. With such trying and confusing times at hand, the entire household has been flipped. Now instead of going out and being separated all day, you’re together more than ever.

This can be a good thing, but there must be a balance. As a parent, you’ve got a job to do while, making sure that your children are learning. However, you may also be working from home. It’s tough to figure out how to balance work responsibilities with parenting.

Though the best kid’s desk chair isn’t going to help in that regard, it can be one less thing for you to worry about.

Photo of the balancing between working and parenting

4.1. Help your child be productive

The best thing you can do is get your kids up early to start the day. Just as they wake up, eat breakfast, and get dressed before getting on the bus, they should do that with homeschooling. Kids like schedules, so this is a great option.

4.2. Organization

Make sure that the schoolwork area is organized and neat. There needs to be enough room for a desk and ergonomic chair for kids. The desk should only have the necessities, such as pens, papers, a computer, and the keyboard/mouse setup. Less is definitely more here.

You may also include a few odds and ends, such as a favorite picture, fan, or plants. Most people don’t realize it, but plants can boost productivity in a variety of ways.

4.3. Prepare

When everything is ready to go, you can get started with work. There are fewer distractions this way, and the kids are less likely to wander away. Plus, they’re not sitting waiting for you.

Photo of prepare for everything

4.4. Planners/Calendars

You can find planners online to help you keep track of your child’s progress.

4.5. Relaxation Is Key

Yes, your child’s school day is full of important things, but make sure they take time to eat and play. It’s best if they move away from the office area and don’t sit in their ergonomic chair for kids while eating. This gives a change of scenery and helps them mentally prepare to go back to work.

Play-time should also be away from kid office chairs. Let them go outside when it’s not raining. On bad-weather days, have them go to their rooms or think of a fun activity to do in the kitchen.

5. Pros & Cons of a kid desk chair

Photo of Pros & Cons of a Kid Desk Chair

5.1. Pros of kid computer chairs

The ErgoChair 2 is an excellent choice and has many benefits. You can get it in different colors, which works well if you have multiple kids. However, your child gets to pick the best kid’s desk chair color, making it even better for them. This can get them excited about homeschooling each day.

Of course, the seating is quite comfortable and can be adjusted in many ways. Therefore, kid office chairs are designed specifically for them. This makes you feel good, and you know you’re doing something that is going to help your child now and in the future.

For example, you can teach your child the right sitting methods now. When you buy an ergonomic chair for kids, they can use it throughout their lifetime. Of course, wear and tear is bound to happen, but it can take them from childhood through adulthood. Save money by purchasing kid computer chairs that can be used by adults, too.

5.2. Cons of kid office chairs

Generally, the price is higher when you choose an ergonomic chair for kids. However, when you think of buying a chair as an investment in your child’s future, it’s comparable. Also, many chair companies include financing options. You can ask the representative or learn more on the website.

If you can’t afford multiple chairs for multiple kids, then the best kid’s desk chair should be one that adjusts. You may need to take a little extra time each morning to get the chair to the right height and adjustments, but this is a comparable workaround.

6. FAQs for kids ergonomic chair

Photo of FAQs for Kids Ergonomic Chair

6.1. Why do you need an ergonomic chair for kids, not a normal chair?

Kid computer chairs should be ergonomic to support correct posture. Though most kids don’t suffer from back pain, it can happen later in life if they don’t sit correctly now. Focusing on their posture as children helps them as they become adults.

6.2. What makes the chair ergonomic?

Generally, kid office chairs are deemed ergonomic if they feature an adjustable lumbar support, seat height, and seat depth.

6.3. What features are required for an ergonomic chair?

The best kid’s desk chair is one that’s ergonomic and has many features. There should be a five-star base, which provides more stability while sitting. Often, kid computer chairs also have wheels. That way, they can move around at the desk more easily.

You’ve also got to consider adjustable armrests, adjustable seat heights, and a seat depth adjustment feature. These all allow your child to customize the chair to meet their needs. If you may need to use the chair, you can then adjust everything for your specific requirements.

6.4. Is there a difference between gaming and ergonomic chairs?

Generally, gaming chairs are those with adjustable seats, backrests, and even armrests. Kid computer chairs are often not that high-tech. However, the ErgoChair 2 has all the qualities of a gaming chair, which makes them suitable for many needs.

Whether you require computer chairs for work or play, now is the time to consider this option. You may also want one for yourself if you work from home.

6.5. Do I need a special desk?

Though you’re focused right now on the chairs, you also have to think about the right desk. Most people believe that the chair must be adjusted to meet the desk. In the past, that’s how it was. Still, this isn’t the best option.

Often, the desk sits too high and can’t be adjusted properly. Therefore, your child has to raise the chair height too much. They may end up straining their neck or eyes to see the computer screen. Also, they may slouch forward to reach the mouse/keyboard.

Typically, they rarely sit with their feet on the ground, which can put undue stress on the hips and knees.

It’s better when your child can lower the desk height to meet their posture needs. To do that, you can buy a standing desk. They are fully adjustable up and down so that kids can stand or sit comfortably. Plus, if it is used by the entire family, everyone can program the standing desk to meet their needs.

6.6. My child likes to draw and write. How can a standing desk and ergonomic chair benefit them?

You can find standing desks that are designed for artwork. Kids may find it easier to stand while drawing or can raise the desk while sitting so that they aren’t bending the neck forward too much.

There are also double desks available, which can work out well when you have two children who homeschool. If you work from home while your child does schoolwork, both of you can use it. This keeps you in the room to watch and make your sure child is doing what they should.


Kid computer chairs are essential if you plan to homeschool your child. There are countless things to ponder, but the chair is one of the things your child is going to use every day. If it is uncomfortable, they aren’t going to be as focused. However, when you can adjust it fully, as with the ErgoChair 2, your child can find the right elements to make it easy to handle any lesson.

This chair is amazing because it can fit adults and kids. Plus, they are going to learn proper posture habits now, which can carry them throughout their adult years.

Of course, breaks are important, and you may need to figure out how to balance working from home while homeschooling. Still, you can both benefit and coexist for longer periods while at home. This is ultimately the best way to achieve everyone’s goals and keep your kids learning new things.




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